Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Episode 102? : Let 'Em Bleed: The Mixxtape Vol. 4

 We have mercifully reached the end of the Let 'em Bleed saga. I'm glad to hear there's a follow up series coming down the pipe. I live to suffer. 

Steve FINALLY had a Faygo, a Red Pop.

Mike had a cherry limeade, which sucks, but I would rather him drink that than risk his health with slightly out of date Faygo. Also, Pineapple Watermelon soda doesn't sound very good to me.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Episode 101? Psychopathic Murder Mix Vol. 1

 The man has come around and put out his own album finally.

Steve had fucking oat meal and a smiley cookie.

The smiley cookie tastes like a less sweet sugar cookie, but it has the firmness of a shortbread. Traditional shortbread doesn't have icing on it though, so I decree it to be a sugar cookie. I'm a little late to put up this blog post, it's now February, and Eat n' Park has heart-shaped smiley cookies for Valentine's Day. I hope to get one before the season ends, if you can call Valentine's season a season.

Also, Steve, please drink some Faygo.

Mike is cool and had a Black Cherry Faygo.

Episode 103? The REAL Episode 100? : Bang! Pow! Boom!

  We're finally here at number 100 depending on who you ask. I think I have the true and official count, but I'm a little biased. Th...