Sunday, April 28, 2019

Episode 11: Forgotten Freshness Volume 2

I think the convenience store that Mike was talking about used to sell 
Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and that was cool.
I heard Steve’s cream soda as “green 
soda” so I had to run that back. 
What does green taste like?
Mike had a black cherry soda. 
What does black taste like?

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Episode 10: Talkin’ bout Twiztid

I don’t know what these Twitztid 
fellas look like, but I’m looking
forward to finding out.
Mike’s cracking open a cold Moon Mist as per usual. 
The mad man Steve is drinking 
Cotton Candy. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Episode 9: Forgotten Freshness Volume 1

Rachel's not on this one.
This one goes back to basics, back to the good old days of episode 2. 
Mike is getting his dose of caffeine with Moon Mist.
Steve and Red Pop are back together for now, but their time apart really hurt the kids, so I can't say for sure that this reunion will last.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Episode 8: The Great Milenko

Rachel's on this one.
Mike is enjoying another Moon Mist.
I call it Teeth Mist because it feels like it's gonna erode them little bones whenever this liquid passes my lips.
Are Steve and Cream Soda an item now? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Rachel is drinking an Orange Pop from her trunk. 
Naomi is also introduced as a character, look forward to her arc developing.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Episode 6.5: The Alan Parsons Project

Steve drinks Dr. Pepper, so I really don't know what he's even doing.
This also could have been episode 6.9, but I guess hindsight is always 20/20.
But looking back it's still a bit fuzzy. Speak of mutually assured destruction? Nice story, tell it to Reader's Digest. 

Feeling paranoid, true enemy or false friend? Anxiety's attacking me and my hair is getting thin. I'm in trouble for the things I haven't gotten to yet. I'm champing at the bit and my palms are getting wet.

Sweating bullets. 

Hello me, it's me again. You can subdue but never tame me. It gives me a migraine headache, sinking down to your level. Yeah, just keep on thinking it's my fault, and stay an inch or two out of kicking distance. Mankind has got to know his limitations.

Feeling claustrophobic, like the walls are closing in. Blood stains on my hands, and I don't know where I've been. I'm in trouble for the things I haven't gotten to yet. I'm sharpening the axe and my palms are getting wet.

Sweating bullets.

Well, me, it's nice talking to myself. A credit to dementia. Someday you too will know my pain, and smile it's blacktooth grin. If the war inside my head won't take a day off, I'll be dead. My icy fingers claw your back, here I come again.

Feeling paranoid, true enemy or false friend? Anxiety's attacking me and my air is getting thin. Feeling claustrophobic, like the walls are closing in. Blood stains on my hands, and I don't know where I've been.

Once you committed me, now you've acquitted me. Claiming validity for your stupidity. I'm champing at the bit, I'm sharpening the axe. Here I come again. 


Sweating bullets.

Episode 103? The REAL Episode 100? : Bang! Pow! Boom!

  We're finally here at number 100 depending on who you ask. I think I have the true and official count, but I'm a little biased. Th...