Sunday, March 31, 2019

Episode 7: Tunnel of Love

These boys forgot to edit out their technical difficulties.
Mike is drinking a plain Jane Moon Mist.
On an episode with many themes of love, Steve decides to forgo love for some Cream Soda. 
Does the taste of Cream Soda overpower the taste of infidelity? 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Episode 6: Riddle Box

Finally, we are back on track with a fresh crack.
Mike has a Moon Mist Blue, a fine vintage that I've only recently tried. A good choice.
Steve maintains his relationship with Red Pop.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Episode 5: The Terror Wheel

I wasn't aware that Vanilla Ice had more than one song.
I guess they're drinking the same Faygos from the previous episode. 
Are the listeners not worth a fresh Faygo and a fresh crack every episode?

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Episode 4: Fuck Off!

This is a vulgar title.
Mike is drinking Orange Soda.
Steve is very committed to his Red Pop. Should we pity him for missing out on new opportunities, or should we celebrate him for being a constant in an ever-changing world?

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Episode 3: The Ringmaster

Good proper cracks this episode.
Steve elected to stick with his Red Pop.
Mike tried some Cream Soda.

Episode 103? The REAL Episode 100? : Bang! Pow! Boom!

  We're finally here at number 100 depending on who you ask. I think I have the true and official count, but I'm a little biased. Th...